On The Edge

What does it mean to be exploring or living on your edge?

What are the benefits? Why even go there??

What gets in the way?

"Once you are honest with yourself about your real edge, its best to lean just beyond it, but very few people have the gust for this practice." ~ David Deida

FEAR is what we find beneath all of the layers, excuses and reasons. However FEAR also lets us know that we are truly at our edge.

FEAR helps us to know that we are in a plaace of possibility.

Living at your edge means that you are not holding back and living a lesser life than you are able. It also means that you are not over-reaching, stressed out, and unable to metabolize your experience.

Organizational FEAR is encountered when people engage in courageous conversations - like when exploring race and social justice. The most successful organizations are those that face this FEAR and lean in, knowing that this is where transformation happens.

We may not want to liive and operate at our edge all of the time, but when individuals or organzations DO live at their edge they are able to:


On the edge is where we see with the most clarity.

It is the place where we are the most PRESENT.

Are you living at your edge?

What is one area of your life where you can lean it?


Glass Animals - Gooey
Glass Animals - Hazey

Album: Zaba